We are an open group addressing social issues through an artistic and interdisciplinary approach. The aim of Blind Date Collaboration is to create situations, make spaces and find strategies on (site) specific and context-based problematics. We believe in unexpected collaborations! In the sense of a 'conflictual participation' we understand collaboration (as opposed to cooperation) as a form of working together that allows different interests in one place.
We value long-term working relationships at the same time we are convinced that it is essential to confront our own practice with the previously unknown - be it working methods, languages or thematic interests. Moreover we figure it important to use the 'symbolic capital of art' for counter political struggles.
The structure of our practice is based on the reflexion on a specific topic and context for each work. These can take on different forms ranging from theater performances, urban interventions, installations and films, to publications, discussion, exhibitions and festivals etc.
Working Languages: English and German
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/blind_date_collaboration/
Marie-Christin Rissinger
Artistic Director & Finances
Marie-Christin Rissinger studied "Social Design" at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. The artistic practice ranges from the creation of fictional companies to the translation of an occupation into a theatre game, the staging of theatre plays with robots or a Drag-King-Musical about a financial scandal. Marie-Christin founded the group "Blind Date Collaboration" in 2015 together with Frida Robles. In 2018 they released the publication "Die Akte mo.ë - Protokolle einer abgesagten Zukunft" (2019, edition mono), 2022, the documentary film "Transform!" (64min, 16:9, de/en OmU). Theatre works have been shown at festivals such as transeuropa (Hildesheim, 2015), BRITNEY X FESTIVAL (Schauspiel Köln, 2017), Donaufestival (Krems, 2018) or steirischer herbst'20 (Graz, 2020). www.marie-christin-rissinger.com
Johann Brigitte Schima
Concept, Stage & Costume
Johann Brigitte Schima works as a stage and costume designer in state theaters and in the independent scene. In recent years, most of the works have been realised together with the directors Mia Constantine, Constantin Hochkeppel, Marie-Christin Rissinger and Philipp Rosendahl. Johann Brigitte Schima's work was shown at Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, Burgtheater Vienna, Theater am Werk, Stadttheater Gießen, Theater Konstanz, Comedia Cologne, Staatstheater Cottbus, WUK performing art, Staatstheater Kassel, E.T.H. Hoffmann Theater Bamberg, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Philharmonie Luxembourg, Staatstheater Wiesbaden, LICHTHOF Theater, Tanzfaktur Cologne. www.brigitteschima.com
Alisa Beck
Company Management & Public Relations
- Wirecard: Last Exit Bad Vöslau (2024)
- One-Way Ticket — a Gamble (2023)
- One-Way Ticket — a Blinddate (2023)
- U.G.A.I. Ich bin kein Roboter (2022)
- U.G.A.I. Hört die Signale! (2020)
- U.G.A.I. Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (2019)
Concept, Curating, Edeting, Dramaturgie
- I don't like to say peace (2020)
- Paramnesia (2019)
- Die Akte mo.ë — Protokolle einer Abgesagten Zukunft (2019)
- Nach uns die U-Bahn (2018)
- You're being sued (2017)
Frida Robles (she/her)
Concept, Curating, Edeting & Performance
- Love Me Tender, Love me queer (2025/26)
- One-Way Ticket — a Gamble (2023)
- One-Way Ticket — a Blinddate (2023)
- bumps and bruises (2021)
- I don’t like to say peace (2020)
- U.G.A.I. Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (2019)
- Paramnesia (2019)
- Hobby Horse Ltd. (2019)
- Hobby Horse Ltd. (2015)
- De-petri-fication (2014)
Ulli Koch (they/them)
Social Media & Public Relations
- Love Me Tender, Love me queer (2025/26)
- Wirecard: Last Exit Bad Vöslau (2024)
Rajarshi Sarkar (he/him)
Concept & Video
- Love Me Tender, Love me queer (2025/26)
- Wirecard: Last Exit Bad Vöslau (2024)
- One-Way Ticket — a Blinddate (2022)
Alessia Scuderi (she/her)
Grafic Design
- Love Me Tender, Love me queer (2025/26)
- Wirecard: Last Exit Bad Vöslau (2024)
- One-Way Ticket — a Blinddate (2022)
Ariella Karatolou (she/her)
Stage, Light & Costume
- Wirecard: Last Exit Bad Vöslau (2024)
- One-Way Ticket — a Blinddate (2023)
- U.G.A.I. Ich bin kein Roboter (2022)
Felix Reutzel (he/him)
- Wirecard: Last Exit Bad Vöslau (2024)
- U.G.A.I. Ich bin kein Roboter (2022)
Gustavo Petek (he/him)
Sound Engineering
- Wirecard: Last Exit Bad Vöslau (2024)
- U.G.A.I. Ich bin kein Roboter (2022)
- U.G.A.I. Hört die Signale! (2020)
- U.G.A.I. Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (2019)
Christoph Speit aka Concealia Knows (they/them)
- One-Way Ticket — a Gamble (2023)
- One-Way Ticket — a Blinddate (2023)
Anna Hirschmann (Concept & Autor)
- U.G.A.I. Ich bin kein Roboter (2022)
- U.G.A.I. Hört die Signale! (2020)
Klemens Kohlweis (Machine Design)
- U.G.A.I. Ich bin kein Roboter (2022)
- U.G.A.I. Hört die Signale! (2020)
- U.G.A.I. Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (2019)
Fabian Lanzmaier (Sound/Composition)
- U.G.A.I. Ich bin kein Roboter (2022)
- U.G.A.I. Hört die Signale! (2020)
- U.G.A.I. Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (2019)
Andreas Zißler (Stage & Video)
- U.G.A.I. Ich bin kein Roboter (2022)
- U.G.A.I. Hört die Signale! (2020)
- U.G.A.I. Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (2019)
Anna Lerchbaumer (Stage & Video)
- U.G.A.I. Hört die Signale! (2020)
- U.G.A.I. Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (2019)
Konstantin Wolf (Concept, Performance & Grafic Design)
- U.G.A.I. Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (2019)
- Hobby Horse Ltd. (2019)
- Hobby Horse Ltd. (2015)
- De-petri-fication (2014)
Gerardo Montes de Oca Valadez (Concept & Performance)
- Hobby Horse Ltd. (2015)
- De-petri-fication (2014)
David Palme (Concept & Performance)
- Hobby Horse Ltd. (2015)
- De-petri-fication (2014)
mo.ë († 31.05.2017)
Garnisongasse 7 († 31.12.2017)
kitchen - Zentrum der Tat (*01.06.2018)