One-Way Ticket

A gamble by Blind date Collaboration

June 16th 2023

WUK performing arts

Projektraum | Vienna (AT)

© Alisa Bec

An ironic game on the (im)possibilities of being invisible in and to the European Union, hosted by drag queen Concealia Knows. The performers gamble their way towards the EU borders trying not to be tracked, traced or recognised.


“Surveillance” and “security” are more and more used as synonyms. In the last decades, digital surveillance is increasing exponentially and invisibility is becoming an illusion. It is no longer merely corporations that collect data, state surveillance is also on the rise. With events such as 9/11, since which foreigners have been categorized as potential terrorists, or the labeling of 2015 as the "refugee crisis" for the European Union, “security” has taken on a very clear political intention.


Given the fact that the former Wirecard COO Jan Marsalek was able to flee the European Union without leaving clear traces makes us wonder if that is only possible with the resources available to someone like him. We ask ourselves and the audience: How is it possible to leave the EU without leaving any trace, be it digital, personal or official? If you wanted to go into hiding, how would you do it? What if an arrest warrant is already in force against you while you are still in Europe? Are there still ways to leave the EU unnoticed? How do you get money? A new passport? A new face?


This gamble by Blind Date Collaboration is the second part of a performative research project that started with a one-week residency at vier.zentrale in Mülheim an der Ruhr.


© Alisa Beck


Marie-Christin Rissinger

Frida Robles Ponce

Christoph Speit aka Concealia Knows


Setting & Outside Eye:

Johann Brigitte Schima


Graphic design:

Alessia Scuderi


PR: Alisa Beck


Produced by: Olympionik*innen Productions & WUK performing arts. Based on a research project supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.